Avoid Burnout and Gain Stability

This webinar addresses burnout, a modern disease triggered by competitive work culture and personal ambitions, focusing on its causes, impact, and strategies for resilience building. Attendees include senior management and professionals.
Thursday, February 13, 2025
Time: 08:00 AM PST | 11:00 AM EST
Duration: 90 Minutes
IMG Smita Mittal
Id: 90020
Single Attendee
Group Attendees
Single Attendee
Group Attendees
Single Attendee
Group Attendees


Burnout is the modern disease out of competitive culture at the work-place and high personal ambitions. As burnout doesn’t happen in a day, most of the time the person doesn’t even realize till it is very late. Burnout of one person has ripple effect in the environment. The victim is not the only sufferer, victim’s family, office, colleagues everyone gets impacted. It is important to understand and develop the importance of stability for long term healthy growth. Burnout of employee reflects poorly on the balance sheet of the company whereas the stability in its employees reflects health on its balance sheet.  

Why you should Attend:

depressed, over-burdened, tired.  If you don’t feel like getting up in the morning for your work, if you feel physically sick at the mention of your work, you feel like being in the bed whole day without meeting or calling anyone then this webinar is for you

This webinar is for you if you are suffering from Anxiety, Nervousness or apprehensions. You are afraid/ apprehensive of your life.

This webinar will be like a beacon of light for you as you will be able to see your situation with a different perspective. 

Areas Covered in the Session:

In this session we will understand:

  • What is burnout?
  • Why is stability important
  • Causes/ stages/ impact of Burnout
  • Strategies to avoid Burnout
  • Gaining Stability in life
  • Resilience building techniques
  • Practical exercise to Avoid Burnout
  • Mindfulness  Activity
  • Conclusion and Call to Action
  • List of resources

Who Will Benefit:

  • Senior Management 
  • CEOs 
  • CXOs 
  • CFOs 
  • CMOs 
  • Doctors 
  • Marketing Professionals

Speaker Profile

Smita Mittal is an author, Relationship Coach and a Public Speaker. She holds regular sessions in Ghana through Bridge IT Corporation, an affiliated organization of IIT Powai. She is on mission to provide coaching to as many people in need as she can. She is also part of a Central Government affiliated programme , ‘Udaan’, for gifted under graduated students where she holds regular webinars to assist them to improve their soft skills. Has also worked with Sudanese refugee girls at All saints Church in Cairo and trained them in embroidery and crochet work to hold the exhibitions of their works at American Embassy Fair. With around three decades of experience in the field of education and counselling Smita Mittal believes in upgrading her knowledge by learning new skills. She is a certified Master Coach of Neuro Linguistic Programming ( NLP) She has published 3 books: ‘Living Through Relationships- Destiny or Freewill’ And other two Co-authored books –‘Empower Your Growth- 11 mind-set mantras to succeed in Life’ and ’75 Top Notch Management Activities’ which are available on Amazon, Flip cart and Kindle. She loves to read books on philosophy and fiction. She also loves to paint.