The webinar provides a brief introduction to continual improvement tools and methods for industries. The leaning objective is to provide concepts of continual improvement and their benefits in using them to reduce operational cost and ensuring a complaint processes.
Why you should Attend:
Continual Improvement is seen as a key principle of achieving quality in any type of business. Organizations are expected to improve their "return of investment", reduce cost of goods and improve productivity. Lean and six sigma tools /methods are well established methods to provide value added processes and reduce variation in their activities. This webinar will provide a fundamental approach to introduce these concepts to execute improvement projects.
Areas Covered in the Session:
Who Will Benefit:
Dr. Chaitanya Baliga has over 20 years of experience in quality management systems, regulatory compliance, and supplier management in industries, such as consumer products, medical device, pharmaceuticals, automotive, and toys. One of Chaitanya’s responsibilities is ensuring quality and compliance activities pertaining to manufacturing of regulated products (drugs, natural health products, cosmetics, and medical devices).